June 7, 2024

Are Your Overspending On Office Supplies?

Many businesses often overlook the cost of their office supplies. It’s hard to distinguish whether you truly need your supplies or if they’re simply just a luxury purchase. How do you end up knowing which supplies are worth purchasing and which are going to end up being a waste?

How Much Are You Spending?

United Stationers performed a study that concluded that most companies allocate between $186 and $544 annually per employee for office supplies. This cost will be dependent on how large your company is of course, but regardless of your size, trimming unnecessary costs is always welcome. Not only does it boost efficiency, it can also boost your profits.


It is a good practice to set aside a time to conduct internal audits to determine how much you are actually spending per employee. Keeping track of this number can help ensure that you are staying on track when it comes to earnings and overall performance.


Ordering Your Supplies Efficiently

As a business, it will be tempting to purchase your office supplies in bulk. While this can be an option, you should consider whether you’ll be using the full amount of supplies. If they are not being fully utilized, this can effect your bottom line. Be sure to check in with your employees to see which supplies are being used the most so that you don’t end up buying more than you need.


A good way to determine this is by having employees fill out surveys to better understand internal supply need. This data can help facilitate an environment of open communication while learning about how your employees complete their daily tasks.


You may also want to consider a consistent office supply purchasing schedule. This allows employees to make personal requests before the purchase date arrives, keeping you and your employees accountable for ensuring your supply reserve isn’t over-consumed and sustainable.


Look For Alternate Vendors

Another method of saving money through office supplies is by looking at alternative vendors. By examining how your funds are allocated to your vendors can help you establish a financially symbiotic relationship between the two of you. You don’t have to sever your ties with your current vendor by looking at alternative vendors.

You may overlook shipping costs and mailing rates with your current vendor as well. You can choose which vendor delivers your products to help save on costs. Vendors with tacked-on shipping prices is a fantastic way to help save on costs. Comparing options may be time-consuming but it is a critical part of your operations that can help your bottom line. In most cases, a thorough comparison will guarantee the best prices and best solutions that your business can easily implement.


Purchasing Alternatives

If your business is better off purchasing bulk office supplies, consider going for alternative options. For example, the difference in quality between brand-name and generic supplies is negligible. You can save on costs by purchasing generic supplies, especially expensive items such as ink cartridges. Do your research when it comes to purchasing alternative supply options and you’ll be surprised at how many of your current supplies you can replace!



As an everyday expense, office supplies are often overlooked by businesses. If you want to get ahead improve your productivity, consider the options presented to you in this article. Regular purchasing schedules, stock audits, alternative vendors, employee surveys, and more are integral in ensuring you’re spending wisely and efficiently.

For more on saving costs and how to improve overall productivity, be sure to read more in our blog. Get in touch with Watchdog Management Services today and we can help you find savings where you never thought possible!

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