While recycling has become a common practice among residential homes, many businesses don’t have the ability, knowledge, or incentive to properly manage a recycling program of their own. This negatively impacts the amount of waste a business can generate and therefore cause a ripple effect on your bottom line.
Let’s give your business a leg up with these valuable tips on how your business can save while recycling!
Produce Less, Save More. Simple as that!
Waste disposal costs are always tied to how much waste your business produces. So, the simplest way to reduce your waste management costs is to produce less waste! Reducing the amount of paper you use as well as purchasing reusable materials can eliminate waste build-up regardless of where the waste ends up.
Sometimes eliminating waste is impossible, but don’t worry! By using commercial recycling as an alternative, you’ll be able to save on transfer and landfill costs associated with waste disposal. Using separate containers for different materials can ultimately reduce the frequency in which waste collection occurs. Spread your waste, save on costs!
Sell Your Recyclable Materials
If your business generates waste that can be recycled (i.e. scrap metal) you can easily sell them to make extra money on the side. Consider your recycling as a new type of output your company generates. Whatever you earn from selling your recyclable materials could have gone into more waste generation…but now you’re earning a little bit more without having to worry about waste management costs!
Start Your Commercial Recycling Program
To start your very own recycling plan, you need to first assess the amount of recyclables your office produces. Then, assess the materials that you will be recycling. Are you producing more cardboard than paper? Perhaps it’s organic waste? Are you producing copious amounts of plastic bottles?
Once you’ve figured out the volume and type of materials you will be recycling, you can now start to place recycling containers around your office. We recommend high traffic areas such as break rooms or large shared spaces (shared office spaces, cubicles, etc). If you make it easy for your employees to recycle, it’s more than likely they will commit to it. Even recycling containers placed in outside areas or at the entrances and exits to your office can be beneficial.
Now that you’ve got all of this set up, it’s time to watch the recycling take place. If you start to notice that you need to empty your recycling containers daily, it might mean you’ll need more. Use this to determine how much or how little you’ll need for your office. You’ll also need to work with a third-party waste hauler to move your recyclables from the office to the recycling plant. Some organizations offer better deals than others, so it’s best to let someone like Watchdog Management Services help you find the best prices for your waste management solutions.
We hope this helps you get started with your very own recycling program at your office! For more information on how you can save costs when it comes to waste management, recycling, composting, and more, be sure to get in touch with Watchdog Management Services today. We are excited to start this journey towards savings with you!